Our Story: A Condensation

Condensation is the water you find on the side of your cold glass on a hot day. It’s the humid air condensing into liquid drops as it cools down.

But condensation is also the fusion of many different ideas into one.

Our condensation was a combination of State Pride, the Periodic Table and a desire to positively impact public school systems. The result was the Elemental States.


Why did we start Elemental States?


First and foremost, we wanted to enable everyone to be in their element no matter where they were.

There are a lot of things that change from day-to-day, but one thing that doesn’t is where you’re from. There’s a special feeling when you’re on your own turf. The calm, relaxing confidence of knowing that no matter what happens, you can handle it. After all, you’re in your element.

Secondly, we wanted to make a difference in America's public school systems, specifically those in inner-city areas.

Attending a school with little or no budget for science supplies could turn a bright young mind away from the field forever. We want to change that by donating 10% of our profits to help inner-city S.T.E.M. programs buy the supplies that they so desperately need.

So please, help us make a difference in the lives of budding scientists across the country by getting back in your element.

If you want to join our efforts or know of a school in need, please let us know!